Celebrity Life: Cruise Line Targets Fitness for the Body, Mind & Soul

The Path to Enlightenment. A corridor leads to Aqua Spa treatment rooms. PHOTO: G. Summers We’ve come a long way from the days when cruise ships were meat markets on the sea. It made perfect sense, especially with those decadent midnight buffets, when workout equipment and fitness classes were introduced. Well, now those waste-producing buffets (and you can take that anyway you like) have been reduced to one special night for passengers to photograph sculptured food and then eat until they explode and/or experience chocolate comas. Today cruise lines are going even further than creating exercise classes for physical health. Now they are concentrating on healthy minds and lifestyles. Back in October, I was aboard the Celebrity Constellation while it was docked in Bayonne, New Jersey. The Celebrity Cruise line was announcing the creation of Celebrity Life , a program they described as a series of "palate pleasing, intellectually-enriching and life-enhancing programs." Renew wit...